Nikah Outside of the Masjid?
As of September or October 2021, CMR will no longer be offering a Nikah service for Nikahs conducted out of the Masjid. You may contact an Imam or Nikah Officer of your choice. The following are contact details for Imams, Scholars who may be contacted.
- Hafiz Ikram sahib
- Maulana Shabbeer sahib
- Maulana Bilal sahib (English)
- Mufti Aftab sahib (English)
The contact details may be sourced from the Masjid or asking around the community. We do not disclose any third-party contact information online
Please Note: That in the event of choosing to have a Nikah performed out of the Masjid, the responsibility of certification and documentation will be assumed by yourself and the Imam in question. CMR will not issue any certificate.
If you would like a certificate to be issued by CMR, then all documents will have to be submitted 14 days prior to the Nikah and in a hard copy format (ie not online) and there will be a nominal charge of £100 payable to Central Masjid Rochdale (final fee will be at the discretion of the Masjid Admin at the time). This charge does not include any gift or charge of the Imam/Nikah Officer.